Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Closer Look at the Library Shelf...

Just in case you wanted to know some of the books on my "shelf," here's a closer look at some of the titles...with one movie thrown in that I didn't get around to watching and had to return! Oh well, I can always get it again--the joy of public libraries!

Summer Reading

This bookcase is reserved for library books, and as you can see, we've been making heavy use of the local libraries this summer. I've got dibs on the top shelf and E has the bottom
two. She's signed up for at least three different library's summer reading programs, and clearly has big plans. I am taking a second online course this summer and getting ready to do VBS at our church next week, and do you think that stopped me from checking out a ton of library books? No sir! There's something about being busy that ironically makes me want to read more than usual. Anyway, I've gotten onto a kick of reading nonfiction books about people's one-year projects--like Julie & Julia, that kind of thing. So I found a bunch more and here they sit, just waiting happily for me to scoop them up and read them. Joy!